Clipper Blades
Andis Factory Wheel
Your Clipper Blades Are Sharpened on an Andis Factory Wheel... This is the Plate ALL the Others are Compared to.
Factory Training
I am Factory Trained By Professionals. Clipper Blades not only have to be Sharpened Correctly BUT there are a Number of Different Adjustments that Need to be Addressed, Also for the Blades to Cut
Correctly. I also Sharpen ALL types of Clipper Blades. From Horse and Sheep Blades to Grooming, Barber and small T-trimmer Blades, Arco and Ceramic Blades. An Original Factory Hollow Grind Edge is
put on the Clipper Blades. This makes them as good or better then when you first bought them. All Blades are sent back to you cleaned, oiled and ready to use. The oil is scented and safe for the
environment. You do not have to clean your blades when you get them back.
If a Blade Cannot be Sharpened I Will Tell You So.